The benefits of egg yolk is due to the rich composition of substances that favorably affect the body as a whole. For example, there is lycetin in it, which is necessary for the nervous tissue and for the brain.
Cardiovascular benefits
Thanks to the content of carotenoids improves visual acuity, as well as yolk is a preventive measure before the development of senile cataracts.
Struggle with nervous tension
There are also phospholipids in this product, which help to eliminate cholesterol from the body.
Use in cosmetology
Given the choline content, the risk of malignancy is reduced.
Individual intolerance
Harm egg yolk can bring people with individual intolerance to the product. It is also worth considering the high caloric content of the product, so it is not necessary to abuse it, as it will harm the figure and can lead to obesity. Contraindications to the use of yolk are in people with gallstone disease.