On the basis of sage are made medical preparations for the treatment of hypertension, oncology, diabetes mellitus.
Cardiovascular benefits
The active substances in sage activate the brain and inhibit enzymes that are responsible for memory disorders. Regular use of sage decoction alleviates Alzheimer's disease.
Struggle with nervous tension
Sage is considered a natural antioxidant and promotes rejuvenation.
Use in cosmetology
In addition to internal use, this plant can also be used externally, for example, for hair loss.
Individual intolerance
Sage is contraindicated during pregnancy. When breastfeeding, sage can cause a decrease in the amount of milk, and therefore it is not recommended to use it. Harm sage can harm the body of a person suffering from acute nephritis, epilepsy, hypertension. Do not exclude individual intolerance to the product and means where sage is included.