Decoction from this vegetable should be taken with prostatitis, cystitis, as well as inflammation of the urinary and gallbladder.
Cardiovascular benefits
It is recommended to consume parsnips regularly for bone and cartilage repair.
Struggle with nervous tension
Parsnips have a significant amount of perfectly digestible carbohydrates, which help normalize digestion and are indicated for stomach diseases.
Use in cosmetology
Caloric content of parsnips is only 47 kcal. per 100 g. This means that the use of parsnips will not adversely affect the figure.
Individual intolerance
It is not recommended to use parsnips in chronic and neglected form of urolithiasis, as it can provoke the excretion of stones. As a result, this can lead to the fact that large specimens will clog the urinary tract. It is worth refusing to eat parsnips for children and the elderly. In addition, you can not eat this root for those who have inflammation of the skin, which is associated with hypersensitivity to the sun.