The benefits of cherimoya are due to the rich composition of useful substances. Fruits and other parts of the plant are used in the formulation of various folk remedies. For example, on the basis of leaves make an alcoholic solution, which is used to fight parasites, including lice.
Cardiovascular benefits
A drink made from cherimoya can improve digestion and can be used as a laxative.
Combating nervous tension
Cherimoya is a good antioxidant, cleanses the body of harmful compounds and prevents the development of inflammatory processes. Dietary fiber cleanses the intestines from toxins.
Use in cosmetology
Cherimoya calms and relieves stress and provides a sound, healthy sleep.
Individual intolerance
Harm cherimoya can bring people with individual intolerance to the product. It is also worth considering that the seeds of the plant are toxic. Contraindications to the use of cherimoya is in people with diabetes, since the composition of the fruit includes a large amount of carbohydrates and sugar. It is also worth considering that if the juice of this fruit gets into the eyes, you can lose your eyesight.