Brussels sprouts have hematopoietic effects, which is good for people with cancer.
Cardiovascular benefits
The rich composition of vitamins and trace elements gives the opportunity to improve the condition of the body and strengthen immunity.
Struggle with nervous tension
Brussels sprouts, like all other types of this vegetable, are considered a dietary product. The caloric value of Brussels sprouts is 35 kcal. per 100 g.
Use in cosmetology
Perhaps the most impressive property of Brussels sprouts is their ability to resist the development of cancerous tumors, a disease that is now extremely widespread.
Individual intolerance
Brussels sprouts and its juice can bring harm to those who have exacerbations of GI diseases and increased acidity of gastric juice. Refuse to consume this vegetable should people who have recently had a heart attack or surgery of the abdomen or chest. Due to the high content of purines, Brussels sprouts are contraindicated for people with gout.